Sunday, March 15, 2015


Once upon a time in a lush mountain setting there lived a very lonely and unhappy dragon. Unlike his old home, he now lived in a world where as beautiful as it appeared to be, humans despised dragons.  Dragons were considered bad and evil.  They would do much harm.  As such, dragons were always in open season.  He vaguely remembered his old home having left it when he was  oh so young. The dragon arrived in this world after being blown off course during a terrible tai fung. Never having flown so high and so so  long, with out the older guides or familiar landmarks, he could not find his way back home.  He was a little lost dragon.

Having numerous nasty experiences with people in this world the dragon withdrew to a locale away where he felt no one would ever find him.  In order to survive, the lonely lost dragon hid in the great mountain forest far away from those who would do him harm for no reason other than his very existence. Even though the memories were fading as time went on, for dragons live for a very long time, he knew deep in his heart that he missed the good people and animals of his home world. Sad and alone he said to himself over again, “Dragons don’t cry.  I’m secure here, I have the animals. I am alone but safe.”

In a story of unfortunates, sometimes extraordinary happenings arise even though they may not be recognized as they occur. The dragon came to have just an accident of history befall him. The recognition of such, even as smart as he was, and due in part because he was cautious, took some time.

The worlds of men and women wars are a common occurrence. Though they cause great suffering and not too much good comes from them, humans have persisted in this ritual blood letting throughout the ages.  In our story there were numerous wars followed by famine and pestilence.  A great number of one village, whole families, had to flee their home land. They unknowingly took refuge in the dragons lonely wooded and mountainous home.  It was so far away from all that had gone on.  No one ever bothered to explore it.  It was almost as if the land was invisible  or forgotten.  It certainly was not located on any current map.

The refugees that entered the forest had very little food left, almost no shelter and winter was approaching.  The colors were changing, the geese flew in large flocks almost blackening the sky and the little animals disappeared as they began their winter hibernations.  Amplifying the food and shelter situation, the people were tired and frightened.  War does that to people even after the conflicts are over.  The scars remain.

The Dragon saw them approach his home with dread. He knew from experience that humans in this part of the world were dangerous.

Dragons have keen eyesight and incredible hearing. Dragons also have the gift of understanding. They have no trouble with different languages. All languages are the same to them. Some where back in the early days of their existence the Dragon Clans were given the gift of understanding. The story has it that a kind wizard from a distant world bestowed this gift thinking that the earth would be a better place if the most intelligent beings would be able to understand each other no matter from what direction of the wind they bore from. The dragon saw the refugees arrive and overheard their conversations long before they got close and set up camp.  He knew what he had to do.

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